
Select the right pet

To stay healthy and safe it is important to select the right pet for your circumstances and for the whole family to learn how to interact with the pet safely. Young animals pose a greater risk of transmitting some zoonotic diseases and so adopting a healthy adult dog or cat rather than a puppy or kitten should be considered for people at greater risk of severe disease (e.g. people with weakened immune systems or pregnant women). Reptiles and amphibians are a known source of harmful infections (e.g. Salmonella) and so keeping them as pets in households with children under five years of age is not recommended.

Safe Interaction

  • Children should always be supervised around animals and be shown how to safely interact with them to reduce the risk of injury (e.g. bites)

  • Ensure that dogs are socialised and well-trained to reduce the risk of aggression

  • Children should be taught the importance of hygiene after handling animals

Safe Interaction

Speak to your vet about the most appropriate type of pet for your circumstances.