
Year-round control of external parasites

Some external parasites of dogs and cats can cause disease in people or transmit other organisms which cause disease.


Fleas are a common parasite of cats and dogs. Fleas are not only a problem for our pets, they can also transmit bacterial infections and parasites to people:

Flea-borne spotted fever – caused by a bacterial infection most commonly transmitted when a person is bitten by an infected flea

Cat-scratch disease – caused by a bacterial infection transmitted in flea faeces. People typically become infected through breaks in the skin (e.g. after being scratched or bitten by a cat)

Flea tapeworm – a parasite transmitted by fleas that has the potential to infect people


Fleas can transmit bacterial infections and parasites to people


Sarcoptic mange (also known as scabies) is a highly contagious condition of dogs caused by microscopic Sarcoptes mites. The dog variety of the mite can also infest humans and cause a temporary dermatitis with intensely itchy skin lesions that can last for several weeks.


Skin lesions due to the transmission of sarcoptic mites from a dog to its owner

External parasite control recommendations

Cats and dogs should be administered effective flea control products all year round and all pets in the household should be treated. To reduce the risk of human exposure to Sarcoptes mites, dogs should receive a product which treats and controls mites.

Speak to your vet about an optimal parasite control programme for your pet.